Kétoldalú találkozó
- Péntek 18:00-19:00
LeírásAW Studio is a design & marketing agency offering the following services:
Branding & design
Web/app design, UI/UX
Website creation
Social media communication
Social media ads management
Our philosophy and goal is to help you offer to your clients unforgettable experiences when they meet with your brand, products and services. We achieve this by creating astonishing visuals, images and texts which draw attention, are beautiful, extravagant, funny or cool - depending on the message you want to communicate.
Being in the ecommerce space as a consumer but seeing also the company side, we found a potential app idea to help customers in certain situations. Inside our agency, we have a team developing the Listabit app: Listabit is that platform for products, what Pinterest is for images or Pocket for articles, it is your global wishlist, your interactive shopping list. With Listabit you can save products from any webshop and get a notification when the price drops.
We are welcoming partners / clients for our agency and investors / mentors / partners for our app.
Szervezet típusa
Szervezet mérete1-10
Alapítás éve2019
E-mail hello@aw-studio.co
Floresti , str. Eroilor nr. 50C, ap. 18